Friday, March 25, 2011

Trip to Museums in town

Yesterday we went into town in order to visit some museum exhibitions. The first one we went to see was an exhibition on W.B yeasts. It was quite interesting to learn about him, we found out there was a high chance that he was diclecsic which I found very interesting because he's so famous. We found out about his poetry and his personal life which was a bit mad. We found out he was pretty much obsessed with a lady called Maude Gonne, she was 6ft tall which was very unusual back then and he thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He thought she was the love of her life so he proposed to her formally 5 times and informally more but she rejected him each time. Later in life he decided to ask her daughter to marry him but like her mother, she declined. I think it's pretty weird to ask a mother and her daughter to marry you but that's how he was. He finally married another woman with the same intrests as her but he thought he was just settling for her and still wanted Maude. Because of this his wife pretended spirits were saying Maude was not the love of his life, and Yeats was then happier in his marridge. To be honest he was a bit of a snob too, but very talented none the less.

After the W.B Yeats exhibition we went to the national museum where we mainly went to see the bog bodies. They showed us stone age and bronze age items too but we were more interested in seeing the bog bodies. We saw two bodies both preserved excellently. One of the bodies' hair was the most amazing thing about him was how perfect his hair was. The other man's hands were perfectly preserved. I was really impressesd by those.

The last place we went to was an art museum. The first paintings they showed us were paintings by Willam Yeats' brother Jack. We saw some realists paintings by him and then his style dramatically changed to expressionist paintings. It was interesting to see the dramatic differences in his style. We then saw paintings by other artists all over the world which were just as impessive but we didn't go into as much detail on those.
Overall we learned alot but had fun walking around town for the day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Work Experience - March (7-11)

Last week we had our second and last work experience of ty. I went to the air coprps in Baldonnel. Before I went I was really nervous but I was lucky because my friend Rebekah came too so at least I wasn't by myself like alot of people there. There were about 32 of us in total there on work experience, it was just like a class. At first it was really awkward because everyone was nervous and quiet and Rebekah ani I were the only two girls there but after a while people started talking and a few more girls showed up.
I really enjoyed the week, it was more observing than doing but we understood, alot of the boys were very dissapointed though they didn't understand like we did ha. They showed us around the place in general on the first day and we looked at things in more detail over the week. They showed us all of the guns and weapons they use in the air corps. We also got to see all the planes and helicopters they have at the base. We got to go inside of the government jet that the new Taoiseach would be in later that day which was pretty cool. They showed us how they work and what pilots do in the cockpits and all sorts. They brought one of the fire engins around and told us about it and we all got to sit in it and look, they turned the hoses on aswell, it was good. One of the days we went up to thr bird control unit. There they showed us incidents like crashes of planes caused by birds and how they prevent it from happening. One way is to set a hawk out so all the other birds are scared and fly away. We got to hold one of these hawks and I held it first but it didn't like me! I was scared so I ran and screamed a couple of times but it was still fun.
They showed us a DVD of the work you have to do in the Curra when you're joining the army or the air corps it lo0oks really hard but really fun too. They told us about the fitness tests you have to pass to get into the army aswell. You also have to pass an interview and a test to make sure you're not crazy which I thought was pretty funny.
On the last day we got a talk from a Pilot and he told us all about how you become a pilot what you do and how much you get paid and everything. I wasn't interested in being a pilot before it but after hearing him it sounds like a great job with good pay and other benifits so now its something to consider :) The lunch was one of the best things about the whole week, it was great. If you brought in €2 you got a lunch which was really more like a dinner. You got a choice but most days I had chicken chips and neans and whatever salads too oh and a drink it was great.
Overall I really enjoyed this week it was my favourite work experience of the two by far and was alot of fun.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mini Company

Yesterday, we went to Clane G.A.A. for our mini company competition to see who goes thorough to the next rounds for the county. We all got the bus there everybody was supposed to be given a board to put things about their company on but of course with our luck we were the only group not to get one. Instead we had to use an empty box of one of the boards and put it on top of two chairs, it worked quite well, it was quite the cunning plan if I do say so myself. We had a table too but because we had no board we decided to use two tables. We used lights and made it all pretty and our stand looked very well. We were waiting for hours to get judged, I actually think we were the last group to get judged. The man who judged us was very nice and we were able to answer all his questions. Unfortunately our group didn't get through but our school had the most groups shortlisted to go through which was impressive. Even though we didn't get through
it was still a good day and we got to see alot of brilliant companies.